
okay. i am sitting in the ymca cafe in Singapore with my dad. i am surprised to find out the we have wireless internet. very cool. i am also surprised about how nice, clean and modern Singapore is. I will have pictures in my next post. Singapore is awesome.

the plane ride(s) weren't so great. we were traveling 29 hours total... very tiring.

tomorrow morning we take a place to Medan, on the Sumatra island then another plane to Banda Aceh, which is also on Sumatra. It is all sort of surreal seeing that this is my first time to be away from America.

well, i will post again with pictures hopefully.



Anonymous said...

I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon! This is exciting. Your life is exciting.

Anonymous said...

It is true that I always say no to recording my voice, but it's mainly because I'd like to write my own stuff and record that someday. I'm critical of my voice, so the thought of singing someone else's song (yours) and having them not be pleased with the outcome would be too much for me to handle. It's ok if I don't like it, but when people that I want to like it actually do not, then I get down on myself and push music away for a while. I'm not very good at accepting criticism, I just get my feelings hurt. It's dumb, I know.


Nancy said...

I loved talking to you last night (my night - your morning) --- I LOVED IT!!!!

laura said...

sounds like a lot of flying. no fun, but so worth it.

Nate said...

Will I am totally gonna be praying for you dude! Thats awesome that you are in Singapore. Now you can say "clearly you've never been to Singapore". I hope your trip is as fruitful as you hope. I'm sure it will be. Take care of yourself over yonder.