Westboro Baptist Church is located in Topeka, Kansas. It was established in 1955 by Fred Phelps (antichrist). Their website is www.godhatesfags.com. you might have heard of it. They go on church trips called "Love Crusades". On these trips the picket various events such as funerals, church services, gay pride rallies holding signs that say this like, "THANK GOD FOR AIDS, GOD BLEW UP THE TROOPS. THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS, GOD HATES FAGS, AIDS CURES FAGS, GOD HATES AMERICA, AMERICA IS DOOMED, GOD GAVE FAGS UP, and FAGS ARE NATURE FREAKS." this is why i hate WBC and Fred Phelps and all of his people...
I want to take a trip to Topeka and burn down WBC.
I know it sounds horrible, burning down a church, but maybe this is an exception?
I'd light the match for the burning - but I don't want to go to prison. Otherwise . . .
I wouldn't be able to light the match or the lighter (fear of fire, you know), but I'd stand there and watch it burn. Probably with a smile on my face.
bleh. yeah. those people leave a bad taste in my mouth
ehh that is ridiculous.they are definitely missin' the love
Can you tell us about your big trip on here? I hope - I hope.
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