i went to the echo getaway this weekend. i had a great time. better than i thought it was going to be. it was nice to get away from the metroplex and daily life for a few days. it kind of makes me want to run away for a while. but i have a job and other obligations..
anyhow... look at this funny sign
Did you see this sign on the getaway?
You really could run away, you know. It wouldn't be that difficult to find a job somewhere else. And other than that you'd just be leaving your friends, and they all left you first, anyway. Not that I want you to leave, of course. But the prospect of running away sounds nice so I feel as though encouraging you to do it somehow makes me more apt to do it myself.
That doesn't really make sense. I would never run away, anyway. I'm too chicken. But you're brave.
Don't run away until we've come back from Europe. I want to see you . . .
We'll be home tomorrow, Wed. night (Oct. 3) - late--- which is SOON! (Then you can run away.)
Oh, you've got that big trip coming up. Run away after that.
Oh, can I come with you when you run away? HA--- I think that would redefine 'running away', ya think?
Where DID you find that sign?
that is indeed a funny sign.
runaway to Italy! Today.
I'm glad the Echo getaway went well. Wish I could have been there.
Hello my friend. Good to see that you've taken to this blogging thing. You could run down to Florida if you want, we've got some space here. Dude this DTS is awesome. It's freaking amazing.
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