in a few hours i will be on a plane to california, then to Tiawan, the to indonesia. i am excited i will be filming there for a group of christians investigating what would be the best way to help the tsunami/earthquake victims. i hope it will be a fun experience. i've never been overseas so this is kinda a big deal for me. so. plray for me and stuff.
I am definitely praying for you!
Have a great time.
Take lots of pictures. (ha)
So then you loved your nuclear bomb dream and the fear and worry that you felt afterward? That's weird. (this is in response to the comment you left me, not your post...)
And thanks for the map. Those letters are much bigger than the ones that were in my history class so I can actually see where you'll be now.
Indonesia! how exciting. I will be "plraying" for you. Did you mean to write it that way?
So exciting! What an adventure.
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