maggie and milly and molly and may
went down to the beach(to play one day)
and maggie discovered a shell that sang
so sweetly she couldn't remember her troubles,and
milly befriended a stranded star
whose rays five languid fingers were;
and molly was chased by a horrible thing
which raced sideways while blowing bubbles:and
may came home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.
For whatever we lose(like a you or a me)
it's always ourselves we find in the sea
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Posted by
Wil Carmack
i'm back in texas now. our plane flew in from LA last night and i got in around 1:00am.
jet lag sucks.
i don't want to go to work tomorrow, i was supposed to work today, but i didn't because i thought i would be getting in earlier.
also, the alrline lost our luggage, so i don't have my phone, or my clothes. hopfully we will get it today because the are going to fedex it.
it is good to be home but i am dreading getting back into the rut of daily living.
i need something to spice up my life again.
i'm back in texas now. our plane flew in from LA last night and i got in around 1:00am.
jet lag sucks.
i don't want to go to work tomorrow, i was supposed to work today, but i didn't because i thought i would be getting in earlier.
also, the alrline lost our luggage, so i don't have my phone, or my clothes. hopfully we will get it today because the are going to fedex it.
it is good to be home but i am dreading getting back into the rut of daily living.
i need something to spice up my life again.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Posted by
Wil Carmack
just got back from the market. was quite an experience. i don't know how do describe it so you will have to wait for pictures. It is amazing how many Achenese ask to have their picture taken. Got a lot of good shots.
yesterday we rode elephants into the rain-forest, that was incredible. harder to ride than they look. I didn't know they had such... movable skin.
tonight i will help lead worship at a service in town.
also, we saw monkeys.
Banda Aceh
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Posted by
Wil Carmack
i am sitting in the meeting/living room of missions house (don't know what to call it) in Banda Aceh. This town is truly third world and i love it. the Acehnese are very nice to americans, even to the ones carrying around a video camera, like me.
i said in my last post that we would be taking a plane to Medan, then another to Banda Aceh. Well, the group did. but me, my dad and Paul Basden didn't. Paul didn't make the flight because of a passport issue. And my dad and i didn't make the flight because my dad booked the flight on the wrong month... same date, just wrong month.
sounds bad huh?
well, actually it turned out good. we ended up catching a flight to Jukarta (capital of indonesia) stayed in a very nice hotel, then a flight the next day (at 6:15 am) to Banda Aceh where we meet up with the group only a day and half late.
anyway. i'm having a good time here. its a very sobering trip and i am glad it is my first overseas trip.
(i'm not going to post pictures because the internet is so slow here and it would take forever to upload them. you'll have to wait until i return to america.)
i am sitting in the meeting/living room of missions house (don't know what to call it) in Banda Aceh. This town is truly third world and i love it. the Acehnese are very nice to americans, even to the ones carrying around a video camera, like me.
i said in my last post that we would be taking a plane to Medan, then another to Banda Aceh. Well, the group did. but me, my dad and Paul Basden didn't. Paul didn't make the flight because of a passport issue. And my dad and i didn't make the flight because my dad booked the flight on the wrong month... same date, just wrong month.
sounds bad huh?
well, actually it turned out good. we ended up catching a flight to Jukarta (capital of indonesia) stayed in a very nice hotel, then a flight the next day (at 6:15 am) to Banda Aceh where we meet up with the group only a day and half late.
anyway. i'm having a good time here. its a very sobering trip and i am glad it is my first overseas trip.
(i'm not going to post pictures because the internet is so slow here and it would take forever to upload them. you'll have to wait until i return to america.)
Monday, October 15, 2007
Posted by
Wil Carmack
okay. i am sitting in the ymca cafe in Singapore with my dad. i am surprised to find out the we have wireless internet. very cool. i am also surprised about how nice, clean and modern Singapore is. I will have pictures in my next post. Singapore is awesome.
the plane ride(s) weren't so great. we were traveling 29 hours total... very tiring.
tomorrow morning we take a place to Medan, on the Sumatra island then another plane to Banda Aceh, which is also on Sumatra. It is all sort of surreal seeing that this is my first time to be away from America.
well, i will post again with pictures hopefully.
the plane ride(s) weren't so great. we were traveling 29 hours total... very tiring.
tomorrow morning we take a place to Medan, on the Sumatra island then another plane to Banda Aceh, which is also on Sumatra. It is all sort of surreal seeing that this is my first time to be away from America.
well, i will post again with pictures hopefully.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Posted by
Wil Carmack

in a few hours i will be on a plane to california, then to Tiawan, the to indonesia. i am excited i will be filming there for a group of christians investigating what would be the best way to help the tsunami/earthquake victims. i hope it will be a fun experience. i've never been overseas so this is kinda a big deal for me. so. plray for me and stuff.
i hate westboro baptist church
Monday, October 8, 2007
Posted by
Wil Carmack

Westboro Baptist Church is located in Topeka, Kansas. It was established in 1955 by Fred Phelps (antichrist). Their website is you might have heard of it. They go on church trips called "Love Crusades". On these trips the picket various events such as funerals, church services, gay pride rallies holding signs that say this like, "THANK GOD FOR AIDS, GOD BLEW UP THE TROOPS. THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS, GOD HATES FAGS, AIDS CURES FAGS, GOD HATES AMERICA, AMERICA IS DOOMED, GOD GAVE FAGS UP, and FAGS ARE NATURE FREAKS." this is why i hate WBC and Fred Phelps and all of his people...
I want to take a trip to Topeka and burn down WBC.
I know it sounds horrible, burning down a church, but maybe this is an exception?
Monday, October 1, 2007
Posted by
Wil Carmack

i went to the echo getaway this weekend. i had a great time. better than i thought it was going to be. it was nice to get away from the metroplex and daily life for a few days. it kind of makes me want to run away for a while. but i have a job and other obligations..
anyhow... look at this funny sign