i am not very good at keeping up with things like these. I had a website once that lasted a month and every so often i try to journal but that usually doesn'y las long either. so, with that said, if anyone is reading this, don't expect consistent posts. Well, who knows, i might really get into this (probably not) and post a few times a day (i don't even have the internet at my apartment, but my parents are in eurpope so i am using their house often) and that would be nice.
so, laura. bailey, mama, nate, april, aron, elizebeth, and those other few people who might actually read this; rejoice!
thats all i have. see you next time.
(p.s. this is an Alex Grey painting. I love that guy.)
I am so excited that you have a blog now. I had one 2 years ago and deleted it 2 days later. Now I'm kind of obsessed with it. Well, hopefully I'm healthy about it.
Thanks for taking care of the house and doggy.
I definitely have been missing you. I mean, really missing you.
We saw Laura last night -- she is doing great. Gets homesick a little every now and then - as do her roommates. She's adjusting really well, though.
Love you . . .
your parents are in eurpope? thats funny, mine are in europe.
Love your blog! Your painting reminds me of the movie "The Fountain."
hooray i was mentioned. that makes me feel special. you should keep up with this one cuz then i can know what's going on with you since i'm never home but like everyone at home. so there.
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