i've never had a blog before.

i am not very good at keeping up with things like these. I had a website once that lasted a month and every so often i try to journal but that usually doesn'y las long either. so, with that said, if anyone is reading this, don't expect consistent posts. Well, who knows, i might really get into this (probably not) and post a few times a day (i don't even have the internet at my apartment, but my parents are in eurpope so i am using their house often) and that would be nice.

so, laura. bailey, mama, nate, april, aron, elizebeth, and those other few people who might actually read this; rejoice!

thats all i have. see you next time.

(p.s. this is an Alex Grey painting. I love that guy.)


Nancy said...

I am so excited that you have a blog now. I had one 2 years ago and deleted it 2 days later. Now I'm kind of obsessed with it. Well, hopefully I'm healthy about it.

Thanks for taking care of the house and doggy.
I definitely have been missing you. I mean, really missing you.

We saw Laura last night -- she is doing great. Gets homesick a little every now and then - as do her roommates. She's adjusting really well, though.

Love you . . .

laura said...

your parents are in eurpope? thats funny, mine are in europe.

Elizabeth H. said...

Love your blog! Your painting reminds me of the movie "The Fountain."

Anonymous said...

hooray i was mentioned. that makes me feel special. you should keep up with this one cuz then i can know what's going on with you since i'm never home but like everyone at home. so there.