Hello. How is everyone? I'm fine. A little tired and I don't really want to go to work. Hopefully this coffee I made is working.
Bailey and I went to Seguin/New Braunfels/San Antonio for a little vacation. It was awesome. We got to spend time at Shlitterbahn water park which was really fun, even though the lines for the rides were long. I didn't mind the lines too much because I had Bailey with me. We stayed in Seguin cause the hotel was cheapest there. On tuesday, walked around San Antonio, which I haven't done in a long time. San Antonio has a really cool downtown. We also saw Batman, which was sweet. The only thing I didn't like about the trip was the length. I wish we had more time down there. But I guess all vacations are like that.
I hope to go on more vacation trips with Bailey in the future.
Oo.. I am tired, I really should go to bed before midnight. I'll try to make more of an effort.
Mmm-hmm, good ole' trip. I liked being with you.
You really should try to go to bed before midnight. Or at least at midnight. Not at two. It's weird to think about you being awake for so much longer than me every night. What do you do for so long and why does it have to be so late at night?
Ah, Schlitterbahn!!
I have fond memories.
Hmm. I guess I could still go this summer.
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