Hello everybody. I am sitting here, waiting for my clothes to dry, waiting to go to work. When I get there I will run around, wait on tables, wait for them to leave and wait for work to be over. After that I will drive home and wait for my cat's vet appointment, then I will drive her there and wait for it to be over so I can drive back home and wait for the flea medication to start working.
You don't have to be waiting the whole time. When your waiting on tables you could enjoy the people. When your waiting for your cats appointment you can enjoy music or a book. And so on and so forth. Life is more than just waiting to die. In between, you live.
That was beautiful, huh? I should put that on a mug or something "Life is more than just waiting to die. In between, you live." I'll give the mug to you to drink from while you're waiting to go to work.
I like to wait for things sometimes. It feels nice to be excited about something (like the end of work for you or the end of pretzel's fleas for her, or waiting for the swell season concert for me). The anticipation builds and then you are more satisfied when the event actually happens.
Sorry I wasn't as profound as Laura.
That's a funny picture.
95% of life is showing up, the other 5% is waiting. You;re doing fine. LIke Laura pointed out -- it's all about attitude.
Laura -- you should do something with that profound line. Wish I had figured that out when I was your age. LOL.
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