Happy Birthday.

Today is Laura's day of birth. Happy Birthday Laura! Sorry I didn't go to Six Flags with you. I hope you had a great time. 

I just cleaned my apartment. Well, at least my living room and kitchen. I don't know why I always feels better to be in a clean environment. Everything in its right place. I guess humans like order. I am really bad at keeping my place clean. I always have been. My mom can testify. TESTIFY! 

Somedays I wake up with the urge to go to guitar center. Like, it is the first thing I think of. Today was one of those days. I didn't go though because I needed to clean. I have a problem that a lot of people have. I am an impulsive buyer. When I want something, I buy it. This results in major clutter and ridiculous amount of unnecessary crap. If you haven't seen my apartment, then you're lucky. Your senses would be bombarded with unused items and mismatched decorations.

Anyway. I'm gonna head over to my parents house to wrap Laura's gifts and get my car to the mechanic. (stupid car.)


Nancy said...

I am TESTIFYING that YES my son does have a problem with tidiness sometimes.
I kind of blame myself. I have the same problem --sometimes . . . plus I didn't make him clean up like I should have.
Maybe I can blame my mother.
Hmm. And she can blame her mother and she can blame HER mother. . . and we can go all the way back to EVE. (I don't think she was very tidy.)

Why, we can blame her for everything.


Anonymous said...

yes. you do have a tidiness problem. and it's pretty normal to feel more comfortable in a clean environment. i mean, it's CLEAN, and for me, feeling clean is sooooo much better than feeling dirty.

but i do think that overly clean places are a bit uncomfortable. like you can't touch anything because it will become dirty. there's a balance between the two, and when your apartment is clean, i think it balances nicely.

laura said...

thanks will! it's ok, six flags was fun anyway.

Anonymous said...

hey man, it was cool to get to hang out with you and bailey the past two nights. hope to see ya in the not too distant future. i like your taste in music. very tasty indeed.