here i am at home

Hey! Guess what?! I am blogging from my apartment now. Yes, that is right. i have the internet (and cable). Yeah it is pretty sweet, not im not so lonley here all alone... and stuff. For those of you who doin't know, I have a myspace ( with a few of my songs on it. you really should go check it out. i just recorded and uploaded another song on there. don't mind the bell sound in the song, it is a bit out of tune... sorry about that. and also, here is another picture i painted with photoshop.


Anonymous said...

i really like this picture for some reason

caroline said...

seriously. you should make all your pictures into a book

Nancy said...

i agree with caroline AND bailey.

Anonymous said...

i don't think you are deceitful, but i do think you're cunning and crafty sometimes. i also just like the word, and since i like you, i thought i'd put the two together.