not sure what to type about. any ideas? no?... maybe you do but i can't hear you. speak up, okay?
anyway. i think i'll go and try to record something. i try a lot. i usually go in there with no idea of what i am going to record and usually come out with crap, but sometimes i come out with a song that is decent. today is cold, cloudy, misty and thursday. a kind of dreariness that i dislike. sometimes i like days like this, but not this one. too cold or something. maybe because it is thursday. probably the most boring day of the week. even the name is boring... ...thuuuursdaaay... yeah. boring
-your pal, Williams
p.s. here's a picture i just made! (sorry if it disturbs you)
you are right, thursdays are boring. but that's part of why i like them. nothing too much going on, so nothing too much to expect.
thanks for the post, williams.
So that's his brain showing through? And he has 2 eyes looking down and one weird one in the middle of his weird forehead? And well, his skin looks crazy, and .... other things.
What's disturbing about that?! (I could name a few things --- see above paragraph in this comment.)
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