Hello to those of you who still check this blog! Thanks for being faithful. Above is a picture Pretzel.
Hmm. Well, what has happened in my little life lately? Let me tell you.
-Bailey turned 21! Weee! Fun stuff! I’ll let her tell you about it in her blog when she posts again.
-I got another cat. She is named Tambourine, after the instrument that she enjoys playing while I record. She’s getting really good at it. (Don't worry Pretzel, I still love you.)
-My phone got stolen at Grapevine Mills Mall. But thanks to my awesome dad, I already have a replacement! Thanks Daddy-o!
-I purchased another guitar on ebay by pseudo-accident. I was the only bidder and thought I would be out bid, but I wasn’t… Oh well, life is rough.
-I have gotten back into the music of Owen Pallett (who goes by “Final Fantasy”) again. If you haven’t heard of him, check out his stuff on iTunes or something. His album “He Poos Clouds” is my favorite. (I know, weird…) The style is kinda like symphony music crossed with folk-pop.
-I’ve been recording some new songs at my apartment. I have a little music room set up where I can record simple songs. It is really fun and also sleep depriving.
-I Saw the movie Earth by Disney with Bailey. Its a nature documentary that takes footage from Discovery’s Planet Earth and puts it to the narration of Darth Vader. It was real good. Go see it! Prepare for a wave of emotions.
-I finally wrote in my blog again.
-I am sure I made numerous typos.
See ya later!