here's the link.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Posted by
Wil Carmack
got my computer fixed! So now I am giving my website a make over. I haven't decided to use this or that as my blog but I will try to start blogging again either way.
happy belated birthday
Monday, August 31, 2009
Posted by
Wil Carmack
I'm 25.
My Birthday was on Thursday. It was great fun. I have been doing fun things since then. I'll start with today, then go back in time sequentially.
Today I will go eat with my family and friends at my mom and pop's house. I think it's gonna be Brazilian. YumYum! Yesterday, Bailey and I went to her Dad's house and took family Christmas photos. I got to be the photographer! What an honor! The day before yesterday, I went to work and made some tips and we were really busy. After that, I had a few friends over and we all had a lot of fun playing music and playing the Wii. The day before the day before yesterday, Bailey took me to the Kimball Art Museum and we saw the new exhibit there. It's called, "Butchers, Dragons, Gods & Skeletons" It was very neat and cool. You should check it out, it is free! (at least it was when we were there.) After that, we took a sharp turn in American culture and went to WinStar Casino. We had a lot of fun there too. So many pretty lights. The day before the day before the day before yesterday was my actual birthday. It was a great day, I worked and made some tips; it wasn't that busy. After that, my family, Bailey, Ryan and I went out to eat at Sweet Basil. Sweet Basil is a great little Thai restaurant near the NE Mall. It was fun eating interesting food together. Before we ate, I got some presents! Ryan got me some Legos! Laura got me a storm trooper coffee thermos and the book, The Daimond Age, by Neil Stephenson! and my parents got me a cool guitar pedal called "HolyStain" and they also got me a sweet new camera. A Canon Rebel T1i!!!!!!! It is very awesome. Very.
Thank you everyone for making my birthday a great one! Here's a couple pictures I took with my new camera. The first is of my kitty, Tambourine. And the second is of Pretzel.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Posted by
Wil Carmack
this makes make happy. music is in us all.
Sometimes I like think about the fact that, no matter what time it is, someone in the world is making music.
Hello again
Monday, April 27, 2009
Posted by
Wil Carmack
Hello to those of you who still check this blog! Thanks for being faithful. Above is a picture Pretzel.
Hmm. Well, what has happened in my little life lately? Let me tell you.
-Bailey turned 21! Weee! Fun stuff! I’ll let her tell you about it in her blog when she posts again.
-I got another cat. She is named Tambourine, after the instrument that she enjoys playing while I record. She’s getting really good at it. (Don't worry Pretzel, I still love you.)
-My phone got stolen at Grapevine Mills Mall. But thanks to my awesome dad, I already have a replacement! Thanks Daddy-o!
-I purchased another guitar on ebay by pseudo-accident. I was the only bidder and thought I would be out bid, but I wasn’t… Oh well, life is rough.
-I have gotten back into the music of Owen Pallett (who goes by “Final Fantasy”) again. If you haven’t heard of him, check out his stuff on iTunes or something. His album “He Poos Clouds” is my favorite. (I know, weird…) The style is kinda like symphony music crossed with folk-pop.
-I’ve been recording some new songs at my apartment. I have a little music room set up where I can record simple songs. It is really fun and also sleep depriving.
-I Saw the movie Earth by Disney with Bailey. Its a nature documentary that takes footage from Discovery’s Planet Earth and puts it to the narration of Darth Vader. It was real good. Go see it! Prepare for a wave of emotions.
-I finally wrote in my blog again.
-I am sure I made numerous typos.
See ya later!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Posted by
Wil Carmack
Hey Guys! Check my newly updated website at
I put some songs on it. Let me know what you think.
I put some songs on it. Let me know what you think.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Posted by
Wil Carmack
Hey guys. Long time no post you say? Well, sorry.
The other day I got cable installed in my new apartment after some frustration with billing issues. They basically stole $320.90 from me. They're sending me a refund check in a few weeks. I hate being walked all over by large corporations. Oh well, at least I get to have cable. Well, Sorta, the cable box must be messed up because the audio keeps cutting out while I watch my favorite shows. I miss so many punch lines... They're coming to fix it on sunday. I hope
It has been warm/hot the last few days so I decided to turn on the A/C in my apartment only to find that it doesn't work, it only blows lukewarm air... Currently, it's 86 degrees in my apartment and muggy. They're coming to fix it sometime. I hope.
Anywho. that's all for this time. Maybe I'll post again this year.
The other day I got cable installed in my new apartment after some frustration with billing issues. They basically stole $320.90 from me. They're sending me a refund check in a few weeks. I hate being walked all over by large corporations. Oh well, at least I get to have cable. Well, Sorta, the cable box must be messed up because the audio keeps cutting out while I watch my favorite shows. I miss so many punch lines... They're coming to fix it on sunday. I hope
It has been warm/hot the last few days so I decided to turn on the A/C in my apartment only to find that it doesn't work, it only blows lukewarm air... Currently, it's 86 degrees in my apartment and muggy. They're coming to fix it sometime. I hope.
Anywho. that's all for this time. Maybe I'll post again this year.