Blehhh... I spent a long while working on a song i've been recording. Mainly the vocals. After over an hour of work, the computer crashed and I neglected to save. Oh well. I guess the powers that be thought it didn't sound very good...
In other news: Bailey's and my anniversary of togetherness is on wednesday! I am very excited about it but also nervous that i will screw something up.
_posted on Tuesday, 17 November 2008_[time of day: unknown}_
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Posted by
Wil Carmack
Hello everybody!
How have you all been? Doing well, I hope.
I made another blog on blogger.
I realized that I have been posting a lot of videos on this blog when it probably should reserved for my own ideas.It is so hard not to do this because I find so many things that I want people to see. The link for the new blog is on the right. It's called "Watch This".
Check it out! but, don't feel obligated to.
How have you all been? Doing well, I hope.
I made another blog on blogger.
I realized that I have been posting a lot of videos on this blog when it probably should reserved for my own ideas.It is so hard not to do this because I find so many things that I want people to see. The link for the new blog is on the right. It's called "Watch This".
Check it out! but, don't feel obligated to.
note taking
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Posted by
Wil Carmack
hello again
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Posted by
Wil Carmack

Wow, I have certainly been neglecting my blog. I don’t really know the reason for this. It's not because I’ve been too busy or there is nothing to type about. I can’t put my finger on the reason.
A few things have happened (and not happened) since my last substantial post:

First, the obvious: Barrack Obama won the election, by a lot. I won’t be secretive, I voted for him and I am glad that he is going to be my president. His speech after the outcome was quite impressive, in my opinion. It really grabbed my attention and kept me from blinking. Also, he has a plan that I like and he seems very dedicated to it. also, check this out.
Second, the not so well-known: There was supposed to be a huge alien spaceship appearing in the skies on October 14th. It didn’t happen. Many, many peo
ple in the internet community and UFO community really believed it would happen, all based on one woman’s channeling of other worldly entities saying that they would appear. I really wished it would appear but I didn’t think it would. Oh well.

Third: Most of you probably know that I have been attending TCC this semester. I am happy to say that it is going very well. It is a good feeling to actually
be going to classes and making decent/good grades. I plan to continue my education until I get my bachelors degree.I credit this change in motivation about school to Bailey. She doesn’t tell me to do my homework or anything like that
but, somehow being with her makes me want to succeed. At some

point in the somewhat near future I will need to transfer to a university.
Fourth: Bailey and I went to the zoo!
Well, thats all I have for now.
{[will - signing off}]
{[will - signing off}]