Hello. If you know me you would know that one of my favourite hobbies is recording my songs at my mama and daddy's house in the studio. well, yesterday i went through all of my songs and put some of them all together on one cd and aranged the songs in an order that made sense to me. The total of songs (i picked my favourites) is a wopping 14!. crazy. well, its a little to much to be called a demo so i'm going to say that it is an album. hehe. i'm cool. i have and album. not available in stores.
i'm gonna put together some artwork and a tracklisting and make it look cool. not because i am gonna sell it or anything, i just like the idea. so. if you want a copy... ask me. i guess... i'm not sure if i want people to hear it though.
also. i would like to thank Bailey for being a very good listening ear when i force her to hear my songs everytime i record one..